VID’MA is a hair care brand rooted in old tradition, family and generational knowledge. With this project, I wanted to show how imaginative and niched a brand can be. VID’MA’s hair care includes growth serum, shampoo and a repair mask, with a simple but impactful mailer box and a responsive E-commerce website.
VID’MA is a Ukrainian word for “witch”.

Indigo Design Award
Health and Beauty Design

Packaging, Illustration, Web-Design
"There is a story of an old Ukrainian female line. Sister after sister, daughter after mother, they were all giving birth to girls. These girls were born with beautiful long hair and as they grew they felt the connection to Earth. They knew the names of the plants they saw for the first time, could understand forest animals and could change the flow of water in rivers. These girls were witches to some and healers to others. They cherished their hair as it was their connection to the divine, their knowledge and powers, their protection. Over generations time after time they made one potion to help them grow their hair and this is how VID’MA line came to be."
Mockup by Freepik
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